Wednesday, January 23, 2008

AgentOrganizer - Great Real Estate Software!

I am working towards taking the real estate licensing exam and in doing this I have realized the importance of good real estate software . In reviewing sites about this I have been made aware of AgentOrganizer which seems to be a great software to help every Real estate agent and agency reach its full potential.

What's great about AgentOrganizer is that it has a major quality that all agents are looking for. That quality is the fact that it is really simple to use. That is a quality that is lacking in many of the other software packages for real estate agents.

With this software agents can easily organize their contacts, listings, buyers, finances, appointments, and tasks. They can also easily create flyers, letters, and perform mail merges.

If you are an agent or a potential agent as I am you might want to download a free 15 day trial of the full version of agentorganizer at:

Other software for agents usually charge a subscription fee EVERY month! But AgentOrganizer is a one time purchase of $149

So if this is a direction that you are headed or if you have been looking for that real estate software that will give you great results you need to try out AgentOrganizer.

1 comment:

Mcurran87 said...

I have to agree with you. I'm not a real estate agent but my good friend is and he uses real estate management software. He finds it so useful. I've heard him comment about it several times and just from what I hear from him, I would definitely agree that Real Estate Management Software is a must. I recommend Siterra. It is very useful and their software is great. It helps you manage all of your real estate properties and assets. It's definitely a great planning and managing tool. Good luck on your real estate licensing exam!