Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekend Warrior - Tell Freeze It Where it Hurts!

This is a story of how Freeze It Gel - can help your aches and pains. Here is the story:

Well, opening weekend of modern gun deer season just past in Arkansas. For those of you who don't understand what that means, let me tell you a little. Deer hunting in Arkansas is a ritual of both men and women. The majority of the people that live in Arkansas, breathe and eat deer hunting and the only reason for real existence is to hunt deer.

That brings me to my friend Willy. I know Willy almost as if he and I were the same person. Well, Willy has aged a bit, you know, getting a little older and not as spry as he used to be. Willy seems to complain daily of aches and pains in his back and legs. But aches and pains didn't stop Willy.

Being the true hunter he is as you can see in the picture, Willy had gone to deer camp on Friday night as to get an early jump on the deer on Saturday Morning. For you see, Deer Camp is as much a part of the ritual of deer hunting as is the actual hunting. Well, way before dawn on opening day Willy walks the mile to his tree stand, legs and back aching even more than usual. For you see that cot at camp was not near as comfortable as the great bed Willy has at home. Willy gets to the tree stand and gingerly climbs the 13 rickety steps up to the top so he could set on that small seat for the next several hours waiting for that big buck.

Willy sat on the stand till about 10 oclock and the day seemed long and dreary. Not a deer had Willy seen, much less that trophy buck. Willy's back and legs were aching to no end. "Man if I don't see one soon I am getting down and going back to camp. " About that time Willy heard a limb crunch in the woods to his left. Willy eased around with his gun moving very slowly as not to frighten anything that might be there. "Man, that is a nice 8 point buck" . Willy eases the safety off of his gun and "bam" the deer falls in his tracks.

Well, Willy takes a couple of deep breaths to calm his excitement and turns to climb down the 13 rickety steps of his deer stand. Willy was down to step 4 from the bottom when it gave way. Willy falls back onto the ground, gun pointed in the air and as his aching back hit the ground the gun fired again into the air. This scared Willy to death, but he could do nothing about it because he was stunned by the fall.

Willy layed on the ground for about 5 minutes back and legs in misery. He thought for a minute he had really hurt himself. Well, his friends came running from their stands because they had heard the second, curious shot and thought Willy might need some help.

Being the friends that they were, they first helped Willy back to camp along with his deer. Then they began to give Willy fits about his old, aching body, and his deer stand to match.

Now that we are back at camp, I introduce Willy to a new product that I had experienced a while back through a mail marketing campaign. This product is Freeze It. In my research of the product I found that it was supposed to be great on:

Sore Muscles & Muscle Sprains,
Back, Shoulder, Neck Pain
Arthritis, Painful Ankle, Knee, Hip & Elbow Joints
Muscular Strains

Well, I had tried this on my lower back pain and it had worked great. Therefore, I convinced Willy with little effort that he needed to try this product, for you see he not only now had back and leg pain, he now had all of the above. Willy needed help with pain and he is now using Freeze It Gel with a passion. He believes that if he had a years supply of Freeze It Gel it would work wonders for his hunting and his home life by helping his aching back.

Willy is such a believer of the product now that he thinks everyone should watch the information in the video below that he watched to really find out what it could do for him.

Why dont you click on the video and check it out. You will find out that if you are a hunter or just if you have the normal aches and pains that come with life, as Willy did, that Freeze It Gel can help you.

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