Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Sedona Method

The Sedona Method says that it is your key to lasting happiness, success, peace and emotional well-being!

It is said by one to be a breakthrough book in terms of realizing your goals and dreams and living a life that is richer, more meaningful and much more enjoyable. And all without having to work so hard at it!"

My first impression of this site is that it is a site to help you get that better self respect and respect from others so that your entire emotional well-being is enhanced. A course if you will about how to live life with a better attitude and better realization of what pushes your buttons.

This sounds like a course or method that I could use right now after a very stressful day where I have let co-workers and customers keep me on edge and next to explosive outbursts.

Maybe we should all go out and take a look at the Sedona Method .

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