Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Horizon - Myrtle Beach - Looks Great!

Have you read in my blog earlier that I am thinking about a great vacation with a great beach and a great place to golf. Where do you think a person might find all of this. Well my belief is that all of this can be found by going to a website such as

Yes, that is what I am going to do, I am going to really think about finding the right Myrtle Beach hotel 
 and making the great decision to get on the road as soon as I can and check it out.  Why can that be wrong to find a great hotel and find local and great golfing and beach and just get there and get with the plan.  Sounds good doesn't it.

Well, as always the next question is which of the Myrtle Beach best hotels would I think would be the best.  Let me think about that one just a minute. Maybe the best one that I see is the Horizon.  Looks like a great place to stay and gets great reviews.  Yes, that is probably the choice.

Maybe you might want to check this out.  Great place to stay looks like to me.

That is my thoughts for now.

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